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Parents' Page




Please also look at our Facebook page for information & current events

"Thank you so much for all the wonderful activities and experiences you are all providing - she really loves her time with you so much

Parent Mrs H June 2023

"T has made lots of friends and grown into a person ready to start school, thank you for everything you have done for him at Hillside"

Parent Mrs S July 2023

"Thank you for being special and looking after me .. and also I love them!" Child T 

Starting Pre-School

You and your child are welcome to visit pre-school at any time before starting with us. We will also offer you a date to 'stay and play' with your child. This will give you an opportunity for you to meet staff and let your child explore the play room. You will also be given a 'All About Me' form to complete, which will give you a chance to tell us about your child's likes and dislikes.


Snack Cafe

We will supply a healthy snack for your child which will consist of fruit, bread sticks and raisins and a drink of milk or water. There is a voluntary charge of 25 pence a session (invoiced half termly)We offer the opportunity for your child to stay for lunch if places are available. Due to the increase in peanut allergies our snacks will not include any nut based products and we request that the packed lunch you supply does not contain any peanut butter or nut based products (including Nutella).  We prefer that packed lunches are healthy, ie sandwich, fruit savoury snacks but not chocolate.  


With your written permission, we take photographs of your child taking part in various activities, which will go into your child's learning journey or may be displayed on the classroom wall. We may also use these images on our website, Facebook page, and, on occasions, to the local press. In accordance with GDPR regulations, you may change your consent at any time.

Policies and procedures

We have policies and procedures which are available for you to read at any time 

Authorised collection of children

The safety of each child is paramount. When your child starts pre-school we will issue you with a collection form to complete and return to us. We ask you to nominate a password, this password should be given to each of your nominated  persons. Only those persons nominated by you will be allowed to collect your child.

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